In light of successful transactions gets disputed by the Payee following rules
shall be followed by the Gateways.
In case of Chargeback issues the Gateway shall inform the e- Treasury Officer of
Cyber Treasury about the disputed amount along with the transaction details.
e-Treasury officer has to confirm whether the disputed amount has been received
in Government account or not. In case the amount has been received and the
concerned remitter wishes a refund, the process of refund as laid down by
Government shall be applicable.
Government shall not handle any fraudulent transactions which has arisen due to
misuse of Debit even though successful credit to Government account has
PNBePAY/ e-FPB shall not, under any circumstance, debit Government Account
without prior permission of Department of Planning cum Finance.
All failed transactions in case of its occurrences i.e. those transactions which
have not been settled/credited in Government account shall be handled by the
Gateway and Remitter's Bank and Government will in no way handle such cases.